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  Professional Writing Skills  



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Visual Writer Menu

What's New?

•  Getting From Hack to Pro Where are you now, and can you get there

The podcast: YouTube

•  Is your idea worth writing? 7 SIGNS YOU HAVE A GOOD STORY IDEA On Screencraft Magazine.
•  Dorian (author of this Website) is writing two columns a week for age 18 to 30 on Patheos - New Generations Explore Faith. This Website is temporarily on pause. Please enjoy the 25 years of articles on this Website covering all aspects of writing and communications.
•  Polarization and Effective Communications. PDF. Polarization has become the major issue of this century. How do we resolve issues when we can't communicate? After 14 years of working with this issue, we finally have some solutions. This is a PDF.
Important Think Like a Producer: a full vision statement for your play, novel, or screenplay. New series for May-June, 2021 about what producers, agents, and even contests look for in a story: #1. Creating The Powerful Story, What's the most important element in a story?
•  Greatest Acting Monologues of all time (Youtube), The Actors Academy Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. If you want to be a good screenwriter or playwright, learn to act, then you'll know how to present drama visually.
Dark and Stormy NightJust For Fun, FREE: You can follow, rate, and possibly comment on stories Dorian writes one chapter-episode at a time on: Fictionate. I do this to get audience feedback on what may become a published novel, play, or screenplay.
•   Blah, blah, blah.
Dark and Stormy NightA career in communications Is it right for you?
•   If you haven't discovered the benefits of a Coverfly subscription for screenwriters Well, you should. Not affiliated with this Web site in any way, but I judge contests through it.
Can cantSet Yourself Up for Success: Overcome procrastination and failure to launch.
•  Pro: Pixar is one of the most successful storytellers They share their secrets in this free Khanacademy Youtube video series Links offsite.
vexedPro: What Vexes You? Write about it - it will interest others.
professionals fail a lotPro: Professionals fail a lot Some things they fail at, and some they do very well
You're Welcome Here!
欢迎光临 , ¡Bienvenido! , Namaste! , Swaagatam! , Broochim Habaim! , Selamat Datang! , Willkommen! , Sveiki! , Welkom! , Bienvenue! , Shalom! , ¡Bienvenida! , Dga' bsu! , Hosgeldiniz! , Bem-vindo! , HuanYing! , Benvenuto! , G'day! , Latcho Drom! , Välkommen! , Welkom! , Mubuhay! , Bonvenon! , Kööwôôkwas! , Kalosirthate! , Dobro pozalovat! , Usuhoshipsiyo! , Miresevini! , Merhba! , Sambutan! , Youkoso! , Hos geldiniz! , Benvingut! , Wealdià! , Croeso! , Bon biní! , Olá! , Fáilte! , Witajcie! , Hey! , Ongi etorri! , Velkommen! , Barka da zuwa! , Byenveni! , Dobro dojdovte! , Cead Mile Fáilte! , Anyong! , Assalam-o-alaikum! , Bine ati venit! , Ahlan! , Karibu! , Tervetuloa! , Groetjes! , Ekabo! , Aloha! , Bine ati venit! , Haere mai! , Keuwawata! , Ha'ándáh , Aya aya! , Komeekha! , Yah aninááh! , 'Á-cim! , Myu! , Bozho! , Va'ohtama! , Ant chukoa! , Hau koda! , She:kon!

How To Write A Screenplay

How To Write A Screenplay
Free. Basic Guide

Nowhere Man

Thriller. Pandemic. Waking nightmares, distorted time perception, comas with no cure.

Careers: future of work

Careers. Preparing For The Future Of Work, Education, Economy. (One year of research and writing.) Free.

Unauthorized Access

Legal mystery. People with endless problems hide the truth to protect others.

Total Immersion

New Adult. Romantic Comedy. Mature themes. Romance strikeout compels a man to fully immerse himself in a 3D environment.

Liars Truth

Fantasy. Second chance in Hell means rescuing others.

Christian plays

Christian plays. Childrens sermons.

Death By Christmas

Christmas Comedy. An unscrupulous lawyer blunders into Christmas with the wrong attitude.

Main Sections:

Movie Stream Productions

Coming soon!Movie Stream Productions content.

Nations Agenda

Nations Agenda™ - Constructive Thought On Topics of Today
Informative articles and commentaries on government, economics, climate change....

What Should We Tell Our Children About Trampling Justice? Opinion, Nations Agenda™

Guns and the US Constitution

Free Advice Fridays by New Shelves .com

Publishing industry and marketplace insights

New Shelves . com

Publishing industry and marketplace insights Blog

13 Great Resources for Self-Publishers

Development, line, and copy editors, and proofreaders. Designers. Children's books. Marketing, sales, social media. Crazy business advice. Inspiration and advice.

Facebook Writers Group

Active, disciplined, informative on all aspects of writing

Writers Group - Patreon for creators

Active, disciplined, informative on all aspects of writing

Publish chapter-episode one at a time, or an entire book, for pay


Kindle Vella



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Professional Writing Skills
What Kind of World are we creating?
How To
Human Condition
Story Ideas
Motivational Writing
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Nations Agenda
 : Copyright © 1994 - today, for all content.